Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Karma does not mean Good Luck

It's not easy to explain how the circumstances of our current life situation are created. We can see it as M.C. Escher's "Drawing Hands" where people/ideas/situations are co-creating each other. People with similar ideas and ideals are brought closer together while those that differ move further away. Consciousness would be all there is then.

But why do we think what we think to begin with? What is our role in thinking? Are we the thinker of the thought or are we the listener???? Who just said that?????
After all, our brains are just really meat. When we are alive, we are animated pieces of meat. Our brains are meat with chemical reactions. If I cut your head open I would not be able to see any of your thoughts because they aren't located in your brain.

Do they come from outside the brain from something called mind???? as in the mind of God or in the case of "Drawing Hands" the mind of M.C. Escher.

What and how we think comes from Karma. Thoughts come from Karmic seeds planted by our actions from this lifetime and past lifetimes......with Karma , reincarnation is a given. Karma is actually the sanskrit word for causation. It does not mean good or bad luck. But you definately caused it......just as you caused me writing to you.

If our Karmic impurities are burned away, what do we get?????

the Law of Karma says that at some point you performed the actions that resulted in your present situation. Karma is an opportunity for us to learn, through experience, how it really feels to suffer from a particular experience. By suffering we learn compassion, which brings us closer to all beings. That's a gift not a punishment.

Okay-----so what do we get then from our good and noble actions????? lots of money, a new car, an apartment on Park Ave, Tom Brady or Giselle Bunchen????

We get ACCESS TO BETTER , MORE SERENE THOUGHTS. This is called Equanimity of mind. Equanimity of mind leads to freedom from anxiety, anger, frustration, and other bad feeling states. Equanimity of mind leads to a source of happiness that is lasting.......and leads to being with others experiencing equanimity. And perhaps, some fabulous prizes listed above.

To ensure good Karma, give thanks for whatever happens to you. The act of giving thanks itself creates good Karma. Being happy when others are happy creates good Karma. Geshe Michael Roche calls this "rejoicing in the good Karma of others". When you are happy about another's good Karma you automatically share in that good Karma. This good Karma accumualtes, creating it's own magnetic field, which attracts more good Karma.

Activities that generate good Karma---acceptance, giving thanks, forgiveness, rejoicing in other's good deeds, being happy when others are happy.

Try it and see if it generates mental clarity and peace. The way of Karma is such that it will assure us of continued placement in "bad" situations until we transcend them.

1 comment:

Ron Strelecki said...

I'll read that three or four times. Thanks! I'm betting there is no mind without the brain, so I will try to hold on to mine for as long as possible, I hope you will do the same.